Kʷaqmis (Herring Spawn-On-Kelp) Fishery

Kʷaqmis (Herring Spawn-On-Kelp) Fishery
Updated Sunday, February 23rd, 12:05pm

Start: 00:01 February 28, 2025 End: When the TAC of 48,000lbs is reached or 23:59 April 15, 2025

FISHING AREA: Area 124, Area 125, Area 24, Area 25, and Area 26-1: Shore areas where spawn occurs (see map). 

GEAR: Kelp strings marked with a buoy with T’aaq-wiihak number and vessel decal.

TRIP LIMIT: 5,000lbs 

BUYERS: It is the responsibility of each fisher to establish their own buyer. Please refer to our buyer’s list for more information, located here.  

HOW TO HAIL OUT: Hail out through our website or by contacting HFS Fisheries Coordinators. Kadin Snook (250) 204-1522 or Olivia Currie (250) 204-9948. Fishers must provide the following information:

  • Fisher Name & T’aaq-wiihak Number
  • Vessel Name & Decal Number
  • Intended Landing Date & Location
  • Intended Buyer (Monitoring)

HOW TO HAIL IN: Fishers MUST HAIL IN (stop fishing report) to HFS Fisheries Coordinators to confirm a landing time at least 24hrs in ADVANCE of landing to arrange for a designated monitor (J.O. Thomas) to be present at your landing.


  1. There will be 100% dockside validation with plant verifications of harvested weights. Fishers must provide J.O. Thomas full access to their harvest of k̓ʷaqmis for validation and sampling.
  2. J.O Thomas will mark each fisher’s harvest with an ID tag for the secondary weight assessment at the plant.
  3. SOK will be measured at your buyer’s plant. It is required that your buyer and processing location are identified before the verification of the product.
  4. J.O Thomas will do samples at each plant to estimate the 12-hour drained weight recorded for sale.


  • Fishers are required to secure their own brine for their spawn on kelp.
  • Kelp is the responsibility of each fisher to harvest and set.


Area 124, Area 125, Area 24, Area 25, and Area 26-1: Shore areas where spawn occurs. 

Your Fisheries Manager/Coordinator

AFN (Luke Swan)
250-670-9535 (office)
250-266-2509 (cell)

ECFN (Tyler Hanson)
778-350-0476 (office)

HFN (Rufus Charleson)
250-670-1122 (office)

MMFN (Justin Blondeau)
250-283-2015 (office)

TFN (Andrew Jackson)
250-725-3350 (office)

T’aaq-wiihak Fisheries Staff

Kadin Snook (Fisheries Coordinator)

Olivia Currie (Fisheries Coordinator)