Kʷaqmis (Herring Spawn-On-Kelp) Fishery
Kʷaqmis (Herring Spawn-On-Kelp) Fishery
Updated Sunday, February 23rd, 12:05pm
Start: 00:01 February 28, 2025 End: When the TAC of 48,000lbs is reached or 23:59 April 15, 2025
FISHING AREA: Area 124, Area 125, Area 24, Area 25, and Area 26-1: Shore areas where spawn occurs (see map).
GEAR: Kelp strings marked with a buoy with T’aaq-wiihak number and vessel decal.
TRIP LIMIT: 5,000lbs
BUYERS: It is the responsibility of each fisher to establish their own buyer. Please refer to our buyer’s list for more information, located here.
HOW TO HAIL OUT: Hail out through our website or by contacting HFS Fisheries Coordinators. Kadin Snook (250) 204-1522 or Olivia Currie (250) 204-9948. Fishers must provide the following information:
- Fisher Name & T’aaq-wiihak Number
- Vessel Name & Decal Number
- Intended Landing Date & Location
- Intended Buyer (Monitoring)
HOW TO HAIL IN: Fishers MUST HAIL IN (stop fishing report) to HFS Fisheries Coordinators to confirm a landing time at least 24hrs in ADVANCE of landing to arrange for a designated monitor (J.O. Thomas) to be present at your landing.
- There will be 100% dockside validation with plant verifications of harvested weights. Fishers must provide J.O. Thomas full access to their harvest of k̓ʷaqmis for validation and sampling.
- J.O Thomas will mark each fisher’s harvest with an ID tag for the secondary weight assessment at the plant.
- SOK will be measured at your buyer’s plant. It is required that your buyer and processing location are identified before the verification of the product.
- J.O Thomas will do samples at each plant to estimate the 12-hour drained weight recorded for sale.
- Fishers are required to secure their own brine for their spawn on kelp.
- Kelp is the responsibility of each fisher to harvest and set.
Your Fisheries Manager/Coordinator
250-670-9535 (office)
250-266-2509 (cell)
ECFN (Tyler Hanson)
778-350-0476 (office)
HFN (Rufus Charleson)
250-670-1122 (office)
MMFN (Justin Blondeau)
250-283-2015 (office)
TFN (Andrew Jackson)
250-725-3350 (office)
T’aaq-wiihak Fisheries Staff
Kadin Snook (Fisheries Coordinator)
Olivia Currie (Fisheries Coordinator)