Suuhaa Directed Fishery

Suuhaa Directed Fishery

Updated September 13, 2024

Start: 00:01 August 30, 2024 End: 23:59 September 15, 2024

Fishing Area: Portions of PFMA 123 ONLY (Area G guideline); Rockfish conservation areas are closed. 5nm boundary applies; there are no inshore opportunities for AABM-given conservation concerns

Conditions of Licence:

Species for sale:
Species for sale reflect the Area G licence conditions and are not all standard to the right-based fishery. Please read through carefully to ensure an understanding of these changes. These changes include, but are not limited to:

  • Coho: May not be sold.
  • Pink: May be sold
  • Halibut: May not be sold.

Conservation measures:

  • 5nm boundary applies; there are no inshore opportunities for AABM given conservation concerns 
  • Steelhead rolling window closures apply
  • Requirement to use 6” plugs
  • Return wild Coho to the water alive and unharmed; hatchery-marked Coho may also be retained for FSC
  • Revival boxes are required 

Management measures:

  • No sale of groundfish except certain inshore rockfish species with associated daily limits
  • Lingcod as bycatch may be retained for sale subject to the TAC and Terms and Conditions outlined in the Five Nations FMP
  • Per the FMP, dual fishing is authorized, including split offloads
  • Given the inclusion of dual fishing provisions, the FMP monitoring program is maintained: Catch monitoring program will be 100% dockside monitoring, hail requirements and logbooks through the Five Nation’s selected service provider.  
  • Vessel-to-vessel transfers are not permitted. 


    • Portions of PFMA 123 (Area G guideline). Rockfish conservation areas are closed.  
    • 5nm boundary applies; there are no inshore opportunities for AABM given conservation concerns

    Your Fisheries Manager/Coordinator

    Luke Swan (AFN)
    250-670-9535 (office)
    250-266-2509 (cell)

    Tyler Hanson (ECFN)
    250-761-4155 (office)

    Jaqlynn Titian (HFN)
    250-670-1122 (office)

    Roger Dunlop/Colin Rossiter (MMFN)
    250-283-2015 (office)

    Andrew Jackson (TFN)
    250-725-3350 (office)

    T’aaq-wiihak Fisheries Staff

    Kadin Snook (Fisheries Coordinator)

    DFO Salmon Resource Manager

    Eamon Miyagi

    DFO Hook & Line Coordinator

    Amy Greenwood