(Closed) Off-shore Miʔaat (Sockeye) Fishery

Miʕaat Fishery 

Updated Wednesday, August 24th, 12:58 PM

Offshore Sockeye Directed Fishery Update

Fishery Closing Tonight, Aug 24, at 23:59.   

As of last night (Aug 23, 2022), the run sizes adopted by the Fraser Panel show no Late run TAC available and as a result of the Lates coming with Summers, the TAC available for Summers is not able to be harvested. This means that the Sockeye-directed license will not be extended and will expire today at 23:59. Sockeye may be kept for home use only going forward.

Contact Vanessa at vanessa@haoom.ca or 604 349 0494 if you have any questions.

Your Fisheries Manager/Coordinator

AFN (Luke Swan)
250-670-9535 (office)
250-266-2509 (cell)

ECFN (Dave Miller)
778-350-0476 (office)

HFN (Jacquline Titian)
250-670-1122 (office)

MMFN (Roger Dunlop)
250-283-2015 (office)

TFN (Andrew Jackson)
250-725-3350 (office)

T’aaq-wiihak Fisheries Staff

Kadin Snook (Fisheries Coordinator)

Vanessa Buchanan (Fisheries Coordinator)